Below are some frequently asked questions about athletics, registration, finances, and other program related topics.
After tryouts, student accounts will be charged for participation fees and any team gear ordered. If you prefer to pay via cash, check, or credit card, contact the athletic department at athletics@lla.org to request this.
Every student must be registered on HomeCampus.com to be eligible to participate. See llaathletics.org/registration for more details including a video outlining how to register.
To be eligible for tryouts students must be registered at homecampus.com. To complete the registration process a physical is not needed. Just clock submit/next on the physical/files page to continue without uploading a physical. After tryouts HS students must have a current physical in order to continue participating.
Team fees cover the costs to run the program: league fees, officiating fees, transportation costs, coaching stipends, equipment and facility upkeep. A team uniform will be provided for the duration of the season, but personal items such as baseball/softball/football pants, shoes, glove(s), kneepads, etc must be provided by each participant.
Each teams game schedule can be found on their team page, in the navigation bar under the season menu. A complete program schedule can be found under the Calendar button at the top of the page.